Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I've been cooking a lot of recipes lately from my newest cookbook, "It's All Good" by Gwyneth Paltrow & Julia Turshen. It's perfect for how I already eat which is mostly vegetarian, mostly dairy-free, but there are still a handful of healthy meat & fish recipes, which is great because my husband isn't really down with the whole vegetarian thing. I realized that I've been posting a lot of desserts up here on the blog, but this is how I really eat on a daily basis, so I thought it was high time I do a post that reflected that.  

The top two photos are of their "mexican chopped salad with mexican green goddess dressing"(p. 57) which is refreshing and delicious. P.S: how great is that anthropologie placemat? It's one of my most favorite things I own.

This next photo is just some simple chopped avocado and cherry tomatoes in carrot ginger dressing from GP's "Japanese Restaurant-Style Salad with Carrot Ginger Dressing" (p. 65). I skipped the salad this time (though I've made it before and it's excellent!) and went right for the dressing - which is the only carrot ginger dressing I've ever loved aside from the one they have at Yaffa Cafe on Saint Mark's Place in the East Village. When I was 18 that's where you could find me and my friends at 3am - and this dressing takes me right back there. It makes a great dip for any raw vegetable, but my two favorite things to eat it on are tofu and avocadoes.

And pretty soon, I'll be looking like this! ... Just kidding. :(

 (image from life + times)


1 comment:

megan welker said...

LOL to your photo at the end! But seriously, those salads look so yummy and refreshing! I have no doubt you'll be the next Gwenyth soon :)