Monday, January 20, 2014


I'm so proud of myself for finally starting to catch up on blogging! I've also updated the family section of my portfolio - it's nice to finally be out of the craziness of the early pregnancy energy void and wedding season - so I'm doing what I can to get all my ducks in a row before this little lady arrives in March.

I loved this family - they were so sweet and easy and fun to work with! And I love their outfits - this is a great example of what I mean when I suggest clients coordinate their clothes, without getting too matchy-matchy. You don't want to all be wearing the same thing - dressing identically is super '90s and it also makes you look like a big blob with heads and hands when you snuggle up together. Notice that none of them are wearing the same color top - that's key to not being a blob. :)

To see more of this adorable family, check out Nat's blog, Take the Cannoli.

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