Thursday, February 28, 2013


I shot these photos recently for Jenny Weaver's debut album, Let it Break. It's available on iTunes, so I strongly encourage you to follow the link I just gave you and check it out! She's a really amazing country music singer and songwriter and even plays the ukelele which when combined with her dreamlike voice, lends some of her songs this beautiful, nostalgic, 1950s kind of sound. Which I love, because I grew up listening to all that older music (true story: I used to argue with kids in my 2nd grade class that Buddy Holly was so much cooler than NKOTB - they had no clue what I was talking about). Anyways, somewhere between country music and an early Elvis-Presley-in-Hawaii movie lies Jenny Weaver and I totally dig it.

I took the photos, but all the beautiful design was done by the fabulous Karla Baker.

So if you love this album like I do, and you realize that at under $8 it's a total steal, and you feel really warm and fuzzy when you support super talented local artists, then what are you waiting for?! ;)


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